Chapter Two

2. Climate Solutions


Challenge yourself to think of different ways that climate solutions and mitigation strategies could be used to target the different domains of healthcare. The possibilities are truly infinite!

Even better, sustainability initiatives are also an opportunity for us to re-evaluate the status quo, and simultaneously implement quality improvement methods to help us provide better care to patients. [3]

When integrating sustainability initiatives with healthcare, the following benefits are realized: [2,3]

  • Promote planetary health

  • Promote human health

  • Reduce recurrent/long-term costs


Although the possibilities are endless when it comes to mitigation strategies, several examples of strategies that have already been implemented in BC hospitals/clinics are outlined in the case studies below. Hopefully these will be useful as a starting point to begin thinking about the different ways that healthcare can become more sustainable.

Waste reduction.

Implementing a waste reduction program in a BC tertiary centre’s intensive care unit.

Choosing wisely.

Minimizing emissions from an operating room through sustainable decision making.

Sustainable building design.

Building sustainability into a hospital’s emergency services department.

“Ultimately, the most sustainable system is one that minimises unnecessary or ineffective use of resources (financial or natural) by delivering the right care, in the right place, at the right time – and by preventing care needs from arising at all, where possible.”

— C. Naylor & J. Appleby, 2012